The Tech Academy’s Blog

11 Jul

Technology Basics for the Absolute Beginner

We all have to interact with technology - and for many of us, our jobs depend on it. Gone are the days of computers not being ‘your thing’. With technology becoming integral to almost every industry, a basic understanding of how computers and technology work is necessary for success. As the creators of a successful software developer training school, we have learned quite a lot about how to break the subject down to the learner. We believe technology is for everyone, and we are hoping to remove the barriers to entry that have stopped many people from really being able to understand and use technology with our Technology Basics book series. These books include: • Technology Basics Dictionary • Learn Coding Basics in Hours with Python • Learn Coding Basics in Hours with Small Basic • Learn Coding Basics in Hours with Javascript Most technology training makes the mistake of assuming some prior knowledge of computers, which leaves room for misunderstanding. We wrote these books to handle that problem. ‘The Technology Basics Dictionary’ is for everyone - from the absolute beginner to the experienced pro. Those new to the subject will be able to clear up all the confusion and mystery from the subject; those already familiar with technology will gain the ability to explain complex concepts to others in simple, clear ways. ‘Learn Coding Basics in Hours’ is a series of books written for the absolute beginner who is interested in learning how to code. With the Technology Basics Dictionary and any (or all!) of the training books, you’ll gain a basic understanding of how computer programs work and learn how to write simple code in no time! Don’t just take our word for it — here are what some people are saying about the Technology Basics books on “My copy just came in the mail this morning and I've been happily paging through it. This is a very, very, very useful thing to have and the best example of this kind of reference I've seen. Definitions include brief and simple discussions of other concepts you'd have to understand to understand the term being defined and derivation/word histories. I recommend this to anyone and I'm really happy to have mine.” — Gabriel Becket, 12/4/2017 “Wow, what an effective tool. As an aspiring computer programmer I love it. My husband works in IT and says it's a quality product that ranges from simple to quite advanced in the offered information. We're very happy!” — Amazon user GET81 1/14/2018 “If you are learning computer programs at all, this dictionary is an invaluable tool!” — Amazon user Greatshades, 3/27/2018 If you're interested in purchasing one of the books click on the "Book Series" link under the "About" tab!


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