The UI/UX Designer Boot Camp was created for people who not only want to learn to code, but who want to create aesthetically pleasing and easy-to-use programs and websites. Graduates of this boot camp are full-stack web and software developers, who are also trained in design. This boot camp covers several programming languages, including front end and back end development. Once the student is trained in basic coding, they move into creating sleek user interfaces with a user-friendly experience.

Here is a video that thoroughly explains this boot camp:

*Note: Self-paced boot camps do not include Live Project or Instructor assistance.

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The UI/UX Designer Boot Camp was created for people who not only want to learn to code, but who want to create aesthetically pleasing and easy-to-use programs and websites. Graduates of this boot camp are full-stack web and software developers, who are also trained in design. This boot camp covers several programming languages, including front end and back end development. Once the student is trained in basic coding, they move into creating sleek user interfaces with a user-friendly experience.

Here is a video that thoroughly explains this boot camp:


Length: 40 weeks
Tuition Cost: $8,000 full price, $4,000 discounted tuition this month

Here are some of the benefits of the UX/UI Designer Boot Camp:

  • 600 hours of study content and activities.
  • Covers full-stack, front-end and back-end web and software development.
  • Learn user-experience and user-interface design, and great tools, like Photoshop.
SwitchUp’s Best Coding Bootcamp 2019 2020 The Tech Academy
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Course Report’s Best Coding Bootcamp 2019 2020 The Tech Academy
SwitchUp’s Best Coding Bootcamp 2019 2020 The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy Inc Career Karma
Course Report’s Best Coding Bootcamp 2019 2020 The Tech Academy
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